Members are encouraged to actively participate and urged get involved by serving on Committees and Working Groups at various stages of their career.
Contact the Chair for information about becoming involved.
Chair: Simon Worland
Brett Young, Carman Naylor, Mitchel Thompson Melanie Windust , Sam Clarke, Jeremy Trotman (as current AIOH President).
Purpose: To advise Council on matters relating to awards and sponsorships; liaise with all sponsors, prepare agreements and ensure smooth running of activities between sponsors and AIOH; liaise with the Conference Committee to ensure consistency across sponsorship areas and agreements; liaise with AIOH Office to send out notifications of awards to members, acceptance of nominations; and process awards in a confidential and timely manner, review award applicants and make recommendations to Council.
We thank Melanie Windust for her contribution as Chair of the AIOH Awards (formally known as Awards & Sponsorship committee).
Email Chair
Board Chair: Adelle Liebenberg
Board members: Jennifer Hines, Gavin Wellings, Naree Carton, Kerry McDougall and Linda Apthorpe.
Purpose of the board: To evaluate applications for Certification and assess conferences, seminars and other professional activities for certification maintenance points. The Certification Board performs the following activities:
Email Chair About Certification
Committee Chair: Kelly Jaunzems
Committee members: Cecilia Mason, Hamish Rae, Andrea Holloway, Richard Jackson, Sarah Verry, Georgia Csorba, Alex Britton
Purpose of the committee / Mission statement: To promote and support the Institute and members through the various communications media.
Thank you to our AIOH24 Conference & Scientific Committee
Chair: Zach Bentley Scientific Programme Chair: Dave Lowry Committee Members: Marcus Cattani, Jacques Oosthuizen, Ruari Ward, Adelle Liebenberg, Gill Felton, Dean Crouch, Tanja Koeberle-Troy, Daniel Cronje, Lee Cherry, Heather Little
Chair: Heidi Scott & Vanessa Thelan
Committee Members: Jeremy Trotman, Elaine Lindars, Ruairi Ward, Adrian Paine, and Mark Russell.
Purpose: To provide advice and guidance to the AIOH Executive Committee and the AIOH membership on ethical matters that arise within or affecting the Institute.
Email Chair Heidi
Email Chair Vanessa
Chair: Kate Cole
Committee Members:Tracey Bence, Deborah Glass, Sharann Johnson, Peter Knott, Dino Pisaniello, Shelley Rowett, Aleks Todorovic, Kelly Johnstone
Purpose: The role of the External Affairs Committee:
Committee Chair: Mitchell Thompson
Committee Members: Michael Weller (NSW), Nathan Redfern (NSW), Andy McCarthy (USA/SA), Jwalit Parik (SA), Giovani Sessarego (WA), Alan Williams (TAS) and Noel Pinkerton (QLD),
**2025 Council Members - John Padgham (QLD), Melanie Cox (QLD), Noel Pinkerton (QLD),
Purpose of the Committee: Ensuring the review of Full Member and Provisional Member applications is consistently performed in accordance with the AIOH Rules and Statement of Purpose.
Chair: Jason Green
Committee Members: Samantha Forster (QLD), Luke Ripper (NT/SA/NZ), Shane Collins (VIC) Milan Patel (VIC, TAS), and Dean Gleeson (NSW/ACT).
Purpose: Identify and match mentors and mentees within AIOH
Purpose: Track existing pairs and provide support and encouragement. Agree on and document process for annual review for mentors. Prepare case studies for newsletters as publicity/encouragement. Prepare material for mentors to help with candidates with COH success.
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Chair: Sharann Johnson
Committee Members:
Luke Dunk, Rob Alcock, Jane Whitelaw, Adelle Liebenberg, Kelly Johnstone and Ken Osakwe
Purpose: To assist the AIOH Executive and Council in meeting the needs of its members and the broader community of occupational hygiene professionals for education and continuing professional development.
Board Chairs: Mark Reggers
Board members:
Jane Whitelaw, Julia Norris, Julie Moore, Melanie Cox, Michael Eva, Heidi Scott, Peter McGarry and Sebastian Rashce
Purpose of the committee / Mission statement: The RESP-FIT Board will provide oversight and administration of the RESP-FIT program for the accreditation of respirator fit-testers and approval of courses, with assistance from a team of RESP-FIT examiners and assessors.
Chair: Treasurer, Dustin Bennett
Members: President-Elect Kelly Johnstone, , Ruairi Ward, Fouad Rizk & Ross Di Corleto
Purpose: To provide independent, informed and expert recommendations to the Executive and Council on AIOH’s exposure to business risk
Committee Chair: Lee Cherry
Committee members: Ian Firth, Alan Rogers, Robert Golec, Geza Benke, Linda Apthorpe, Marcus Brooks, Nathan Aust, Greg O'Donnell, Zac Du Prez, Louise Burt, Stephen Turner, Tim White, Mark Desira, Bradley Geinitz
Purpose of the committee / Mission statement: The Workplace Exposure Assessment Committee provides expert guidance and comment to the exposure standards setting process at a State and National level and internationally where appropriate, through development of AIOH Position Papers, AIOH guidance publications or comment on relevant Standards, Regulations and Codes of Practice. The Committee's remit is to confirm that the revision of exposure standards, and other relevant Standards and Codes of Practice, are valid and based on good occupational hygiene and scientific principles. The Committee is also concerned with the integrity of the exposure assessment process whereby sampling results for airborne contaminants are compared against exposure standards.
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