Outlines the process used by the AIOH Professional Development & Education Committee for the accreditation and re-accreditation of a University course policy: AIOH07 Version 5.0, Council approved: 15/11/2026, review: 22/4/2026 (replacing – policy: AIOH07 Version 4.0, Council approved: 22/04/2021, review: 22/4/2026).
Outline of the responsibility and statutory duty of Council to control and manage the business and professional activities of the AIOH on behalf of the members (Document No. DOC_AIOH11_V1a, Council approved: 10/9/2015, review: 10/9/2018).
TRAVEL POLICY GENERIC CONDITIONS FOR APPROVED TRAVEL ASSOCIATED WITH AIOH BUSINESS OR PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITES ABN: 50 423 289 752 Policy number: POL_AIOH0_V4_TravelPolicy Approved by Council: Nov 2023 Scheduled review date: April 2024 replacing: Policy number: POL_AIOH0_V3_TravelPolicy Approved by Council: 16.09.2022 Scheduled review date: 16.09.2027
Provides direction on the policy and procedures relating to the formation of committees, ad hoc committees and working parties (Council approved: 20/01/2016, review: 20/01/2021).
Guidelines for developing policies and procedures within the AIOH (Council approved: 23/05/14, review: 23/05/19).
COH Certification Scheme Policy and Procedures.
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