State Chapter Meetings are a great way to meet and engage with your professional colleagues and those in allied professions in a relaxed yet informative environment.
Regular events at interesting locations featuring “hot topics” industry are held across the country in each State.

Members & non-members are welcome to meetings

State Chapter Meetings are a great way to find out about the latest industry trend in health and safety, what you can do to achieve effective positive behavioural change in your workplace, and what others are doing by networking with peers with a similar interest.

Upcoming Chapter Meetings

Contact your local State Liaison Officer to find out more

Shelley Rowett

SLO - South Australia

Kate Gibbs

SLO - South Australia

Pamela Atkinson

SLO - Tasmania

Sally Horsnell

SLO - Northern Territory

Margaret Nguyen

SLO - Western Australia

Gama Gamato

SLO - Queensland

Deborah Van Zanten

SLO - Queensland

Jodi Dawson

SLO - Queensland

Simon Ercole

SLO - Victoria

Shilpa Panyam

SLO - Sydney NSW

John Tiong

SLO - Sydney NSW

Carmen Naylor


State Liaison Officers are appointed by Council to represent the interests of the AIOH in each state or territory.