The Institute has a number of paperback and electronic publications, position and technical papers that are available to our members and the public. Some attract a charge whilst others are free to download. All electronic copies of publications are available free of charge to our members.

Institute Members

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Position Papers

While the AIOH is not a regulatory standard setting body, through its Position Papers, the AIOH seeks to provide relevant information to members on substances of interest where there is debate about existing, proposed or absent Australian workplace exposure standards.

The Position Papers attempt to recommend a health-based guidance exposure value that can be measured in real world work situations; that is, it is technically feasible to assess workplace exposures against the proposed or adopted exposure value.  They assess the relevance of any proposed workplace exposure standard against exposure conditions occurring in contemporary Australian workplaces but do not place undue emphasis on economic or engineering feasibility.

Any recommended exposure value and the manner in which it is to be applied and interpreted is intended to be used as a guideline by professionals trained in the practice of occupational hygiene to assist in the control of health hazards.

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The AIOH makes submissions to Government and National bodies when required on issues relating to the improvement of workplace health outcomes based on scientific evidence. The AIOH also has an invaluable source of historical information through access to superseded National Occupational Health and Safety Commission (NOHSC) publications that are no longer available from Safe Work Australia. They are also provided for reference information only.

Important Note: the AIOH historic documents relate to past work practices, Codes and Guidance materials that were relevant to legislation in force at specific dates in time. These materials are not necessarily endorsed or supported by the AIOH, and must not be used to demonstrate compliance or otherwise, with current national or state or territory regulatory requirements.

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Annual Conference Proceedings

The main focus of the AIOH calendar is the annual AIOH Conference and Exhibition held in early December in a different Australian state or territory each year. With a beginning in 1972, it is now recognised as an international class conference promoting the science and practice of occupational hygiene in worker health protection. PDF copies of proceedings for many of our past conferences are available for download.

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