Friday, 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM28/03/2025
March Webinar – AIOH24 3M Best Paper Award
Traditionally, hazardous materials consultants have utilised the most sensitive and protective National Environmental Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure (the NEPM) Health Investigation Level (HIL) for Lead in soil to assess the risk of lead exposure associated with lead containing dust present within commercial infrastructure.
Over the last twelve months, the South Australian (SA) Government Department for Transport and Infrastructure (DIT) has utilised a simple risk-based approach developed by VA Sciences to both assess and compare worker exposure to lead that links Safe Work Australia lead risk work criteria to existing lead abatement clearance levels, with the use of the NEPM HIL for lead in soil traditionally used by Hazardous Materials Consultants.
Comparison of side by side dust samples collected using both of these approaches has suggested that utilisation of the NEPM HIL for lead in soil has likely overestimated potential lead exposure risk. This has resulted in the unnecessary implementation of expensive and lengthy lead remediation activities prior to workers gaining access to these areas to undertake simple ad hoc building refurbishment or facility maintenance activities within South Australian government infrastructure.
This paper will explain how the utilisation of the most sensitive NEPM HIL for lead in soil of 300 mg/kg and the inconsistent sampling methodologies utilised by hazardous materials consultants has likely brought about a significant overestimation of a worker’s potential exposure to lead associated with lead containing dusts. It also describes how taking a simple risk-based screening approach to initially assess worker exposure to lead that links Safe Work Australia lead risk work criteria to lead abatement clearance levels can still adequately protect workers and significantly reduce taxpayers’ money being used on unnecessary lead remediation activities.
Andrew Orfanos, BSc. Hons, COH, FAIOH
Currently serving as the Division Director of Occupational Hygiene at VA Sciences, Andrew is a Certified Occupational Hygienist, and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists (AIOH) with over 25 years of experience in occupational health, hygiene, and safety risk management.
Working within the private sector for organisations such as Nyrstar, BHP Billiton and Caltex Australia has provided Andrew with extensive experience in developing, implementing and effectively managing risk based Lead exposure management programs across a diverse range of human receptors, scenarios and operations worldwide.
Andrew worked as the site occupational hygienist at the Port Pirie Lead Smelter for over 5 years where he effectively characterised both workplace and community Lead exposure pathways, implemented comprehensive workplace and community Lead management programs, and developed risk based governance metrics to provide management and corporate oversight of their Lead risk profile.
Over the last 20 years Andrew has provided specialist advice and support to a wide range of clients including Trevali, Ma’aden, and the South Australian Government and has developed a novel risk based screening approach to characterising Lead exposure risk associated with Lead contaminated dusts, which he will now talk about in his presentation.
Dr Sharann Johnson, AM, COH, FAIOH
Attendees will receive 0.2 CM Points for attending this event
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