RESP-FIT is aware of various practices being requested and performed as part of respirator fit tests that breach validated fit test protocol and standard requirements and have have put together a position statement on “non-compliant practices”.

Non-compliant practices include but are not limited to:

  • Beard Wrap / Singh Thatta technique,
  • Facial hair underneath respiratory interface sealing surface area,
  • Testing tight-fitting positive pressure respirator facepieces under positive pressure,
  • Incorrect CNC probe location,
  • Not conducting the 5-minute comfort assessment period, and
  • Use of Vaseline, bandages or any modification of the sealing surface area.

The position statement provides greater clarity on RESP-FITs position and will assist accredited fit testers in situations where they may be requested to conduct a non-compliant practice and provide this document as a explanation to why these non-complaint practices will not be be done and deemed as a fit test. It also is to make parties requesting, accepting or recommending non-compliant practices aware of associated potential liabilities.

The use of fit test equipment, terminology, and references with non-compliant practices and/or non-validated protocols does not make the process compliant. This is the heart of much of the confusion/misunderstanding in industry as non-compliant practices will appear as a compliant fit test for workplaces and workers not familiar with ALL the fit testing protocol requirements and definitions. Hence the importance of competent person fit testers and workplaces/workers being provided correct, consistent, and reliable information.

This document (attached) and news article (link below) is now available on the RESP-FIT website so can be now publicly shared within your network,  organisation, clients or others where relevant.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.


RESP-FIT Position Statement - Non-Compliant Practices



Best regards,

Mark Reggers
on behalf of the RESP-FIT Board