Experts from these three fields have an important role to play in elucidating the cause of viral spread both within the hotel, and in future planning for all hotel quarantine around Australia.
Are hotels the safest places for quarantine? Until we recognise the importance of aerosol spread & we don’t put control measures in place, then we are setting ourselves up for continued failure.
Restrictions in Western Australia are slowly easing after a severe lockdown, but serious concerns remain about gaps in the hotel quarantine system.
So what is occupational hygiene exactly? And why does it matter to you? And will practicing good occupational hygiene save us from a second wave?
Welcome to the current edition of Occupational Hygiene Matters. A quarterly newsletter from The Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists, Inc.
Our vision is a healthy working environment for all.
The AIOH works to raise awareness about important issues impacting the health of the Australian workforce. Active in the media, we have several expert ambassadors available for comment on matters affecting workplace health.
For enquiries, please email or call 03 9338 1635.
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