Our submission was made to the NSW Government and makes a number of recommendation for improving the demolition licensing in NSW.
There are many agents that demolition workers are exposed to that impact not only their health, but also the health of those in the immediate surroundings of a demolition worksite. These include hazardous materials (e.g. asbestos, lead paint), occupational noise, welding and cutting fume, diesel exhaust emissions, and dusts, specifically respirable crystalline silica.
The AIOH submission was made to the NSW Government to improving the demolition licensing in NSW. The AIOH notes that the review is primarily to bring the licensing in line with other high-risk activities established under the NSW WHS Act (2011) to protect workers and the community from risks arising from demolition activities.
The following priority recommendations by the AIOH are made in this submission:
1 May 2022
AIOH External Affairs Committee
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