Occupational hygienists work to prevent illness and disease in the workplace, which includes the prevention of significant occupational exposure to dusts that cause disease. Occupational hygienists specialise in the anticipation, recognition and control of workplace exposure and work closely with other health professionals working in health surveillance and worker’s compensation. We acknowledge the improvements in place in NSW since the last review of the scheme was conducted. This includes the ban on the manufacture, supply and installation of engineered stone benchtops, panels and slabs, and the adoption of the model crystalline silica substances amendment to the Work Health and Safety Regulations. We thank the NSW Government for the opportunity to make a submission to the review of the Dust Diseases Scheme. We understand that the Committee’s focus is on two key areas in this review, being the support available to younger workers with diagnosed dust diseases, and other high risk activities for silicosis such as tunnelling and quarrying. We share the committees concerns in these areas and we raise additional points for consideration by the committee in our submission.
Association number: A0017462L
ABN: 50 423 289 752
Approved by Council: 30 September 2024
Prepared by: AIOH External Affairs Committee
The AIOH Council acknowledges the work of members who contributed to this submission from the External Affairs Committee: Kate Cole OAM (Chair), Peter Knott, Professor Dino Pisaniello, Professor Deborah Glass, Tracey Bence, Jeremy Trotman, Dr Sharann Johnson AM, and Aleks Todorovic.