$77.30 Original price was: $77.30.$60.50Current price is: $60.50.
NEW! Fourth edition, Principles of Occupational Health and Hygiene: An Introduction allows early-career occupational hygienists, occupational health and safety professionals, or students to develop foundational skills and knowledge to anticipate, recognise, evaluate, and control workplace hazards that can lead to injury, illness, impairment, or negatively impact the well-being of workers and the community.
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AIOH textbook for the Basic Principles of Occupational Hygiene course.
Now in its fourth edition, Principles of Occupational Health and Hygiene: An Introduction allows early-career occupational hygienists, occupational health and safety professionals, or students to develop foundational skills and knowledge to anticipate, recognise, evaluate, and control workplace hazards that can lead to injury, illness, impairment, or negatively impact the well-being of workers and the community.
This comprehensive edition provides an in-depth overview of occupational health risks and hazardous environments encountered across a wide range of industries and organisational settings. It includes the latest information on modern techniques and equipment used for assessing workplace hazards, which are rapidly evolving due to advances in technology.
Featuring new chapters on occupational hygiene statistics and psychosocial hazards, and thoroughly updated throughout, this edition is crafted by leading industry professionals and educators. It covers how to identify key workplace hazards, such as chemical agents (dusts, metals, gases), physical agents (noise, radiation, temperature extremes), and microbiological agents. The book outlines practical assessment procedures to identify exposure levels and offers clear guidance on evaluating risk, adhering to safety standards, and implementing effective hazard control measures.
Richly illustrated, up to date with current Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) legislation, and written in a straightforward, accessible style, this book serves as an indispensable resource for students and professionals alike.
A heartfelt acknowledgement goes to all the authors and a special thank you to Dr Sue Reed for her invaluable role as editor. Pre-order is now available!
Linda Apthorpe FAIOH, COH
Anthony Bamford MAIOH, COH
Geza Benke FAIOH COH
Claire Bird
Jodie Britton MAIOH
Dr Kerrie Burton FAIOH, COH
Dr Martyn Cross MAIOH – Retired
Dr Margaret Davidson MAIOH
DrRoss Di Corleto FAIOH, COH
Peter Knott FAIOH, COH
Dr So Young Lee
Dr Adèlle Liebenberg FAIOH, COH
Dr Elaine Lindars FAIOH, COH
Dr Michael Logan
Dr David Lowry MAIOH, COH
Ken Martinez CIH
Mark Reggers MAIOH, COH
Ass. Prof. Joshua Schaeffer
Michael Shepherd FAIOH, COH
Ian Firth FAIOH, COH
Ron Capil FAIOH COH – Retired
Robert Golec FAIOH, COH
Terry Gorman FAIOH, COH -Retired
Beno Groothoff FAIOH, COH – Retired
Dr Jennifer Hines FAIOH, COH
Ass. Prof. Kelly Johnstone FAIOH, COH
Ass. Prof. Ryan Kift MAIOH
Dr Martin Mazereeuw MAIOH
Dr Greg E. O’Donnell MAIOH
Prof. Bruno Piccoli
Prof. Dino Pisaniello FAIOH COH-RET
Dr Martin Ralph
Dr Sue Reed FAIOH, COH
Dr Jane Whitelaw FAIOH, COH
Melanie Windust MAIOH, COH
(John) Charles Steer FAIOH, COH Retired
Aleks Todorovic MAIOH
The AIOH editorial committee (Dr Sue Reed, Prof Dino Pisaniello and Geza Benke) gratefully acknowledges the pioneering work of Dr David Grantham (AM) on which this book was originally based.
We also acknowledge the invaluable efforts of Dr Cherilyn Tillman, editor of the first edition along with authors who decided not to be involved in the later editions but have allowed their work to be used, and this is gratefully acknowledged. The authors from the first edition who are not part of the later editions are: Dr Ian Grayson (concept of the exposure standard), Dr Steven Brown (indoor air quality), Dr Georgia Sinclair (ionising radiation) and Dr Denise Elson (biological hazards).
The authors from the second edition who are not part of the later editions are: Dr David Grantham AM (Chapter 1: The hazardous work environment: the hygiene challenge; Chapter 3: The concept of the exposure standard; and Chapter 4: Control of workplace health hazards), Dr John Edwards (Chapter 2: Occupational health, basic toxicology and epidemiology; and Chapter 10: Biological and biological-effect monitoring), Geoff Pickford (Chapter 7: Aerosols), Dr Brian Davies AM (Chapter 7: Aerosols), Gary Rhyder (Chapter 8: Metals in the workplace), Noel Tresider AM (Chapter 9: Gases and vapours), Kate Leahy (Chapter 9: Gases and vapours), Michelle Wakelam (Chapter 13: Radiation-ionising and non-ionising), Sarah Thornton (Chapter 16: Biological hazards), Dr Howard Morris (Chapter 17: Emerging and evolving issues) and Dr Bob Rajan OBE (Chapter 17: Emerging and evolving issues). The authors from the third edition who are not part of the fourth edition are: Caroline Langley (Chapter 1: The hazardous work environment: the hygiene challenge), Garry Gately (Chapter 4: Control of workplace health hazards; and Chapter 6: Personal protective equipment); Wayne Powys (Chapter 4: Control of workplace health hazards); Dr David Bromwich (Chapter 5: Industrial Ventilation); Roy Schmid (Chapter 13: Radiation-ionising and non-ionising); Martin Jennings (Chapter 15: Lighting); and Prof Dooyong Park (Chapter 17: Emerging and evolving issues).
The AIOH is grateful to the AIOH members and non-members who volunteered to peer-review latest chapters (4th Edition) of the book, namely Dr Julia Norris (Chapter 1), Dr Roger Drew (Chapter 2), Jackii Shepherd (Chapter 3), Dr Greg O’Donnell (Chapter 4), Dr Ryan Kift (Chapter 5), Andrew Orfanos and Simon Witts (Chapter 6), Jane Whitelaw (Chapter 7), Assoc. Prof. Kelly Johnstone (Chapter 8), Robert Golec (Chapter 9), Dr Sharann Johnson AM (Chapter 10), Assoc. Prof. Kennedy Osakwe (Chapter 11), Dr Peter McGarry (Chapter 12), Dr Edmore Masaka (Chapter 13), Dr Adelle Liebenberg (Chapter 14), Assoc. Prof. Ken Karipidis (Chapter 15), Dr Vinod Gopaldasani (Chapter 16) and Melanie Cox (Chapter 17).
We would also like to thank the many people who have supported this edition by providing images; they are acknowledged individually throughout the text. Images without source citation have been provided by the chapter author/s. In addition, we would like to thank Melanie Reed who assisted in drawing and upgrading many of the images. Certain text, figures and tables in this book are sourced from publications published © Standards Australia Limited. Copyright in AS, or AS/NZS or AS/NZS ISO/IEC, vests in Standards Australia, and Standards New Zealand, and/or ISO/IEC. Reproduced with the permission of Standards Australia Limited under licence CTL0424AIOH. The Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists Inc. would like to thank Standards Australia for granting permission for the AIOH to reproduce/adapt material from a number of Australian (AS) Standards. Finally, the editor would like to thank the AIOH council for supporting the project and the AIOH Office for administrative support.
Editor biography
Author biographies
Abbreviations and definitions
1. The hazardous work environment: the hygiene challenge Charles Steer, Melanie Windust and Kate Cole, OAM
2.Occupational health, basic toxicology and epidemiology Martyn Cross and Geza Benke
3.The concept of the exposure standard Robert Golec and Ian Firth
4.Occupational Hygiene Statistics Peter Knott and David Lowry
5.Control of workplace health hazards Kerrie Burton and Kelly Johnstone
6.Industrial ventilation Elaine Lindars and Anthony Bamford
7. Personal protective equipment Mark Reggers and Terry Gorman
8.Aerosols Linda Apthorpe and Jennifer Hines
9.Metals in the workplace Ian Firth and Ron Capil
10.Gases and vapours Aleks Todorovic and Michael Logan
11.Biological monitoring of chemical exposure Greg O’Donnell and Martin Mazereeuw
12.Indoor air quality Michael Shepherd and Claire Bird
13.Biological hazards Margaret Davidson, Ryan Kift, Ken Martinez, and Joshua Schaffer
14.Noise and vibration Beno Groothoff and Jane Whitelaw
15.Radiation—ionising and non-ionising Geza Benke and Martin Ralph
16.The thermal environment Ross Di Corleto and Jodie Britton
17.Lighting SoYoung Lee, Dino Pisaniello and Bruno Piccoli
18.Occupational hygiene tools and sources Sue Reed, Linda Apthorpe, Adelle Liebenberg and Ian Firth
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