Recording  EHG - Ask Me Anything - About Hygiene Leadership - Kate Cole OAM
Recorded 30 Jan 2023 EHG Members, we are hosting an 'Ask Me Anything' With 2022 AIOH President Kate Cole OAM 
Recording  WA Sundowner - Extracting insights from noise dosimetry using AI. - March 2024
Recording WA Sundowner - Extracting insights from noise dosimetry using AI. - March 2024
Webinar Recording - Recording Update on mould - Qld- Recorded 19 April 24
Recorded 19 April 2024 Update on mould - the Qld regulators perspective - 19 April 24 This webinar will include topics including: Legislative requirements in relation to managing the risks of exposure to mould. What does compliance look like? What would the inspectorate look for in relation to a complaint?
AIOH 2023 WES Video Series - WHY IS ASBESTOS STILL A BIG DEAL? with Tracey Bence
AIOH2023 How Do We Measure Contaminates in the Air?
AIOH 2023 WES Video Series - How Do We Measure Contaminates in the Air? with Tracey Bence
AIOH2023 What Is Diesel Particulate Matter?
AIOH 2023 WES Video Series - What Is Diesel Particulate Matter? with Tracey Bence
Webinar Recording - What does good health look like? - Recording 24/05/24
Occupational Health metrics are an important component of Work Health and Safety (WHS) performance indicators. Recent articles on the increasing prevalence of silicosis and  resurgence of “black lung” has increased awareness of work related health impacts. Yet, despite the critical impact of occupational illness and disease, workplace health and safety reporting commonly focus on workplace injury reduction. presented by Dr Carmen Naylor
Webinar Recording - Welding fumes a panel discussion - Recording 28/06/2024
The panel will discuss the recent change to the welding fume (not otherwise specified) exposure standard, how can exposure to welding fumes be controlled, how can occupational hygienists help the industry understand the risks associated with welding fumes and what does the future hold with the announced Workplace Exposure Limits
AIOH2023 What is a notation?
AIOH 2023 WES Video Series - What is a notation? with Candice Dix
AIOH2023 -  5 Tips for Assessing Exposure in the Workplace
AIOH 2023 5 Tips for Assessing Exposure in the Workplace with Candice Dix
AIOH2023 -  What are Workplace Exposure Standards
AIOH 2023 What are Workplace Exposure Standards with Tracey Bence
AIOH2023 -  How does Time Weighing Work? (TWA)
AIOH 2023 How does Time Weighing Work? (TWA) with Candice Dix
AIOH2023 -  What are the health Effects of Workplace Exposure?
AIOH 2023 What are the health Effects of Workplace Exposure? with Dr Julia Norris
AIOH2023 -  Does Particle Size Matter?
AIOH 2023 Does Particle Size Matter? with Dr Julia Norris
AIOH2023 -  How do contaminants get into your bodies?
AIOH 2023 How do contaminants get into your bodies? with Nicola Peel
Recording  EHG - Ask Me Anything - Respiratory Protection - Mark Reggers
Recorded 25 July 2024  EHG Members, we are hosting an 'Ask Me Anything' With Mark Reggers MAIOH COH
August Webinar Recording - The Evolution of a Fast Fit Test Protocol
TSI will provide a brief update on future PortaCount™ Respirator Fit Tester software developments around improvement to centralised record-keeping capabilities as well as a brief update on the AS/NZS ISO Suite of Standards Adoption and Transition.
November Webinar Recording - Lessons from Past Turnarounds
The storyline of this presentation would be presented from the perspective of a newly recruited occupational hygienist who is preparing for their first turnaround, how they play a pivotal role during every stage of the process and how they must adapt to dynamic conditions. Additionally, this would serve as a refresher for seasoned professionals, enriching their understanding and application of best practices during critical turnaround periods.
AIOH24 Highlight Reel
AIOH24 Highlight Reel  
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