DMIRS Health and Hygiene Management Plan
An examination of the significance of reducing exposure to harmful agents in the mining industry.
Asbestos, risks identification and management – a different perspective
From the interdiction up to now, how do France regulations develop different perspectives, know-how and knowledge to share with Australia?
Managing Heat Stress in Industry
A presentation that covers the most common issues surrounding heat stress management. 
From Hygiene to Medicine and beyond
The topic focuses on the interface between Occupational Hygiene and the field of medicine.
Fatigue management.. sleep restriction & its effect on health, safety & productivity
A highly entertaining and informative sessions on the science behind fatigue and sleep.
Amplifii Your Influence
A step-by-step guide to methodologies to create influence from the front of the room, in meetings and one-on-one.
Utilizing Digital Media for Increased Engagement & Building Our Community Of Practice
Utilizing digital media is at the very heart of the changing approach to communication for delivering evidenced-based information for good decision-making.
Re-Imagine Occupational Hygiene To Improve People’s Lives
Embarked on a journey to apply critical control risk management principles to reduce exposures across our business.
Advocacy And Influence: The Hygienist’s Central Role
The importance of engaging occupational hygiene in early response to emerging issues and the success that can be achieved through collaboration.  
The Health Benefits Of Good Work - Achieving Better Health Outcomes
Presentation on leading a paradigm shift to focus on creating good work to improve the health and well-being of workers.
LEV Test Equipment
A look at the various pieces of LEV test kit available and assess which ones will enable us to make a judgement as to weather adequate control being achieved.
Occupational Surveillance Programs - Lifestyle Frontiers
A look at the challenge presented by increasing numbers of "lifestyle" diseases and exposures to current surveillance and monitoring practice.
Exploring the effects of ionizing radiation beyond Earth’s orbit & deep underground
Understanding the consequences of space radiation exposure and possible countermeasures to protect organisms from the damage.
Making Words Count - Change Community Behaviour
Insight into why it's so important to build the influence of Occupational Hygienists.
Where were we when.. Black Lung Re-Surfaced, Silicosis Re-emerged
A panel discussion to inform & develop conversations and think beyond what we do to contribute to better worker health outcomes.
AIOH 2020 Virtual Symposium Day 1
A 3 hour recording of the virtual symposium on the 30 November 2020.
AIOH 2020 Virtual Symposium Day 2
A 3 hour recording of the virtual symposium.
AIOH 2020 Virtual Symposium Day 4
A 3 hour recording of the virtual symposium - day 4.
Reviewing Australian workplace standards
WSP was engaged by Safe Work Australia to review 726 chemical. The objective of the review was to ensure the WES was up-to-date and based on the highest quality, contemporary evidence and supported by a rigorous scientific approach.
Analysing Respirable Crystalline Silica
This presentation is designed to bring awareness and a reinvigorated conversation on measurement uncertainty in analysis, and how it can silently impact upon our professional work.
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