COMED – A Tool for Quantifying Efficiency of Exposure Controls

Presenter(s): Andy Gillies. Chartered Occupational Hygienist.

Speaker – Andy Gillies, 

Andy Gillies is a Chartered Occupational Hygienist and Environmental specialist with Masters degrees in Occupational Hygiene and Industrial Pollution Control and the BOHS Diploma of professional competence in occupational hygiene.  He has had a varied career working in the steel industry, chemicals manufacturing and consultancy.  He is now retired from full-time consultancy.  He is a former President of BOHS, former Hon. Secretary of the registration and qualifications body in the UK, and a regular presenter at conferences and regional meetings.  Andy is a member of the COMED management group and has been involved in the project from inception.

COMED (Control Measures Efficiency Database) is a web-based tool which contains reliable, objective data on efficiency of exposure control measures.  It enables users to compare efficiencies of different control options and identify key performance characteristics.  Control Advice Sheets summarise essential information for buyers and users of the equipment.  This presentation will introduce attendees to COMED and demonstrate its functionality through use of case studies.  COMED is managed by a team based at the Fraunhofer ITEM institute in Hannover, Germany.

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