Kelly Johnstone, Associate Professor

Kelly is a Certified Occupational Hygienist (COH)® and a Fellow and Certified Chartered Generalist Occupational Health and Safety Professional. She has over 25 years of professional and academic experience having worked as a consultant in a range of sectors including energy, resources, construction, manufacturing, and ports. Kelly is the Program Director for the Master of Occupational Hygiene at The University of Queensland. Her research interest is in occupational health and previous work includes projects on pesticide exposure, indoor air quality, waste anaesthetic gas, thermal risk assessment, dust exposure characterisation, and a range of other occupational health and hygiene projects.
Peter Knott, MClinEpid, COH, FAIOH

Peter is a Certified Occupational Hygienist (COH)® and Fellow of the AIOH. A lifelong hygienist, his career in occupational hygiene started in aluminium smelting, from there gaining experience in aluminium processing and fabrication, power generation, PPE manufacturing and mining in Australia and internationally. He is currently a principal hygienist with GCG Health Safety Hygiene. Peter has represented industry bodies on Australian Standards committees for workplace atmospheres, respiratory protection and hearing protection. In 2021 Peter co-authored a paper awarded the Thomas Bedford Memorial Prize by the BOHS. He has tertiary qualifications in Chemistry, Environmental Health and Epidemiology, and is currently a doctoral student in Clinical Epidemiology at the University of Newcastle where he is researching the effect of lifetime occupational exposures to chemical mixtures on selected chronic diseases.
Azrin Akram, Senior Chemist, Envirolab Services