Re-Imagine Occupational Hygiene To Improve People’s Lives

Presenter(s): Professor Cas Badenhorst

Traditional modes of managing occupational health have focused on managing consequences (the disease itself) rather than the cause i.e. the control of exposure and prevention of the disease. Within Anglo American we’ve embarked on a journey to apply critical control risk management principles to reduce exposures across our business. We’ve realised that as occupational hygiene professionals we need to reinvent ourselves to prevent occupational disease – we need to re-imagine occupational hygiene.  In this key note the Anglo American occupational hygiene Framework and Strategy will be shared with the audience.

The presentation will look back at the occupational hygiene journey of Anglo American and how we are moving from a ’Zero Exposure’ policy to a proactive, integrated, and sustainable control at source strategy.  The application of technology to support our journey is critical and we’ll explain how real-time monitoring and digitalization is supporting our strategy.

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