Respiratory Protection for Health Care Workers: Meet the Experts

Presenter(s): Jane L. Whitelaw, Kate Cole, Dr Suzi Nou, Mark Reggers, Alex Birrell & Graeme Powe

The last 6 months has seen a rapid increase in awareness of the role of respiratory protection for health care workers.  With over 3500 health workers infected with SARS-CoV-2 in Victoria, and the majority acquiring it from the workplace, the question about the adequacy of respiratory protection has justifiably arisen.

There has been ongoing concern regarding supply and quality of disposable respirators.  Many industries in Australia and health settings overseas have implemented the use of air purifying respirators (APRs) and powered air purifying respirators (PAPRs).  Widespread implementation of these in Australian healthcare settings is yet to be seen.

Many reasons have been provided for this lack of implementation, such as respirators not being fit for use in healthcare settings and particularly around cleaning and safe handling of respirators.

This interactive webinar is an opportunity to meet the experts behind the three most common reusable products and ask your questions.

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