Take Charge of Your Career – Launching the AIOH Career Pathway

Presenter(s): AIOH President Kate Cole, Kelly Johnstone and Jane Whitelaw

Speakers – AIOH President Kate Cole, Kelly Johnstone and Jane Whitelaw

The pathway to becoming a senior professional can be different for every occupational hygienist. While there is no “right” or “wrong” way to create a successful career in occupational hygiene, the attributes of education, technical knowledge, service and leadership all form a crucial part of leaving a legacy. In this live webinar, our 2022 AIOH President Kate Cole, will be presenting the AIOH Career Development Pathway to assist members and aspiring occupational hygienists to progress through their career. The Pathway has been developed to provide a clear outline of the career stages of an occupational hygienist for those entering and for those progressing through our profession.

Presenters also include Kelly Johnstone, Senior Lecturer, University of Queensland, and Jane Whitelaw,

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