Webinar Recording – Indices for Dermal Exposure of Metals and the Role of Surface Wipes

Presenter(s): Dr Carmen Naylor holds degrees in Exercise Science and Rehabilitation, Masters in Science (Research) and Masters in Occupational Hygiene Practice and is currently Leader of Human Health monitoring, High Reliability at ANSTO

Indices for Dermal Exposure of Metals and the Role of Surface Wipes

This webinar will provide information regarding different surface sampling methods for metal contaminants in the workplace. The talk will cover some of the more common dermal sampling methods, with a focus on wipe sampling as well as discuss in detail health hazards of metals and how to interpret the sample results using various indices.

Held:  Friday 28th April from 12-1pm EDST



Dr Carmen Naylor

Dr Carmen Naylor holds degrees in Exercise Science and Rehabilitation, Masters in Science (Research) and Masters in Occupational Hygiene Practice and is currently Leader of Human Health monitoring, High Reliability at ANSTO. Carmen is a passionate advocate for occupational health and safety research, which was the incentive for completion of a PhD in the field of occupational hygiene and toxicology at the University of Wollongong Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) academic program. Her area of research addressed routes of exposure and health effects of metals.

Carmen is also a sessional tutor at the University of Wollongong for the Work Health & Safety Program, an active volunteer for the Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists (AIOH), a mother of two and enjoys encouraging aspiring scientists to pursue a career in Occupational Hygiene, the science behind worker health protection. In 2019 she was awarded the AIOH Drager Safety Pacific Young Hygienist Award.

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