Webinar Recording – Safe Work Australia – Update on the WES Review

Presenter(s): Presenters: Dr Rebecca Newton

Recorded 13th October 2023

The presentation by Dr Rebecca Newton, Manager, Chemicals, Occupational Hygiene and High Risk Work Policy, will cover the Safe Work Australia review of the Workplace Exposure Standards and the next steps.

Presenter: Dr Rebecca Newton Dr Rebecca Newton joined Safe Work Australia in July 2020 as the Branch Manager for Chemicals, Occupational Hygiene and High Risk Work Policy. In this position she is responsible for providing policy advice on the model WHS laws in relation to high-risk industries and work, workplace hazardous chemicals, and occupational diseases, including silicosis, asbestosis and COVID-19. Rebecca has over 17 years’ experience in the APS, including multiple roles within the Department of Health. Prior to joining the public sector, Rebecca worked as a postdoctoral fellow in medical research in both Australia and the United States. Rebecca has an undergraduate degree in science and gained her PhD in Medicine from the University of London.

Questions and Answers to be uploaded

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