August Webinar Recording – The Evolution of a Fast Fit Test Protocol

Presenter(s): Speakers: Gregory M. Olson, Jr.

August Webinar Recording

TSI will provide a brief update on future PortaCount™ Respirator Fit Tester software developments around improvement to centralised record-keeping capabilities as well as a brief update on the AS/NZS ISO Suite of Standards Adoption and Transition.

Speaker: Gregory M. Olson, Jr.

Education Background

BS University of Minnesota-Duluth; Biology/Chemistry
MS University of Minnesota-Duluth; Industrial Hygiene Program

Work History

Mr. Olson started with TSI in January, 1999.  Initially as a Worldwide Applications Engineer in the Health and Safety Instruments (HSI) Division.  Currently, Mr. Olson is the Sr. Industrial Hygienist for TSI Incorporated and the Global Product Specialist for Respiratory Protection and Exposure Monitoring Products.  His past and current focus is on the development of quantitative respirator fit testing and exposure monitoring instrumentation to promote respiratory protection, practical respirator fit testing methodologies along with real-time exposure monitoring methodologies and control strategies for occupational health and safety, environmental monitoring, and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) applications.  Mr. Olson is located at the TSI Corporate Headquarters in Shoreview, Minnesota, USA.

Mr. Olson is a member of AIHA and sits on AIHA’s Respiratory Protection Committee; the Nanotechnology and Advance Materials Working Group; the Real-Time Detection Systems Committee; and the Thermal Stress Working Group. He is also, a member of International Society of Respiratory Protection (ISRP) America’s Section and sits on the Board of Directors as an International Society Director for ISRP America’s Section; member of the ISO USTAG SC15 TC94 Respiratory Protection Working Group 6; a member of the ANSI Z88.10 Sub-Committee on Respirator Fit Testing; and a member of ASTM and sit on the ASTM F3502-21 Barrier Face Covering Standard Committee and ASTM F3407 Respirator Fit Capability Standard Committee and the ASTM Working Groups for “Determining Outward Leakage of Barrier Face Coverings” and for “Simulated Workplace Protection Factor Studies” to develop standards for each category.

Before coming to TSI, Mr. Olson spent more than 8 years with Bechtel in their Environment, Safety, and Health Services (ES&H) Division based in San Francisco, California and Oak Ridge, Tennessee Regional Offices as a Senior Industrial Hygienist and Site Health and Safety Officer.  Providing supervision and technical support to private sector and government clients in industrial hygiene, safety, and environmental health and safety operations on Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) and Superfund Projects throughout the United States.

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