Webinar Recording – Welding fumes a panel discussion – Recording 28/06/2024

Presenter(s): Speakers: Andrew Batterson, Bruce Cannon, Halil Ahmet and Perdita Dickson

Recorded 28 June 2026

The panel will discuss the recent change to the welding fume (not otherwise specified) exposure standard, how can exposure to welding fumes be controlled, how can occupational hygienists help the industry understand the risks associated with welding fumes and what does the future hold with the announced Workplace Exposure Limits

Speakers: Andrew Batterson, Bruce Cannon, Halil Ahmet and Perdita Dickson


Andrew Batterson Andrew is an Inspector of Mines – Occupational Hygiene, employed by Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ), within the Coal inspectorate. He has been working in the field of Occupational Health and Safety and industrial hygiene for over 35 years and is a Certified Occupational Hygienist. He has experience across a broad range of industries, although has predominantly worked in mining and minerals processing. This has involved both coal and metalliferous, surface and underground mining operations.

Bruce Cannon Bruce is a qualified welding engineer and metallurgist. He was employed by BlueScope and the former BHP Steel for 38 years working in a range of roles but primarily specialising in welding and related disciplines including weldability testing, and servicing customers reporting welding issues. During his tenure with BlueScope and BHP Steel, he was seconded to a number of special projects including a period for over 2 years working for the then WTIA as its welding engineer from 1993 to 1995.

In this period, he was appointed by the WTIA as it nominee to a range of Standards Australia’s committees and later represented the Bureau of Steel Manufacturers Australia (BOSMA) on standards committees Upon retirement from BlueScope, he joined the then WTIA, now Weld Australia, as its Technical Publications Manager with roles in revising and writing  technical literature as required, and maintaining relevant activities in Standards. Bruce is currently active in revisions of multiple standards ranging from pressure equipment through to structural welding and their support standards including leading the revision of the welding safety standards AS 1674.1 and AS 1674.2.

He has chaired committee WD-003 on structural welding for 23 years, and is an Australian delegate to ISO committee TC44 and its subcommittees on welding. He is also the Australian delegate to the International Institute of Welding’s Commission VIII on welding health and safety.

Halil Ahmet A Principal Occupational Hygienist with WorkSafe Victoria, manages a team of Occupational Hygienists and is appointed as an Inspector under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Dangerous Goods Act. –  has been engaged with WorkSafe Victoria as an Occupational Hygienist since 1990 and in that time has visited hundreds of workplaces regarding a wide range of hazards including silica, asbestos and welding fumes. – has provided training to WorkSafe Inspectors on a range of hygiene related topics including welding fumes, and the recent reduction in its exposure standard, and represents WorkSafe Victoria on the Welding Safety Council.


Perdita Dickson Perdita is the Manager of Occupational Health and Operational Programs with WorkSafe Victoria. She is an occupational hygienist with over 15 years of experience in manufacturing, health care and as a regulator. Perdita joined WorkSafe Victoria as a Senior Occupational Hygienist and moved into the Prevention, Strategy and Planning Division in 2021

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